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How to Tell if He Likes Another Girl

15 Signs Your Crush Likes Another Girl

You've been crushing on this guy for a while now, but you can't figure him out. Does he like you, or does he like someone else? Most of the time, it feels super amazing and exciting to have a crush on

You've been crushing on this guy for a while now, but you can't figure him out. Does he like you, or does he like someone else? Most of the time, it feels super amazing and exciting to have a crush on a guy. But if they like someone else, it can become confusing and upsetting. Maybe you've seen a few warning signs, like your crush texting another girl, or always talking about her to you. If your crush is behaving differently, there could be a number of reasons why. However, one likely explanation is that he is crushing on another woman. Sometimes a crush is totally harmless, like if he's got a crush on an actress or model. But things are totally different when he's got his eyes on someone he could actually date IRL. But how can you know for sure that he likes someone else? Here are 15 tell-tale signs that your crush likes another girl.

15 He Never Likes Your Social Media Selfies

You and your crush are friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but he never likes your selfies. Yes, even when you have perfect hair and you're using your favorite filter. But the problem is that he's more than happy to like your statuses and funny picture updates. This is a pretty good indicator that he isn't attracted to you. After all, a like on a picture is one of the easiest ways to show that you are interested in someone. If you spend time and effort making yourself look good, and he still doesn't seem interested, he probably isn't. However, that isn't the worst part. The worst part is that he regularly likes another girl's pictures and selfies, especially any that are slightly hot. If your crush is doing this, it is a clear sign that he likes another girl. Pick yourself up and move on - you deserve a guy who is only interested in your selfies, not another girl's.

14 Most Of His Likes Are From Girls You Don't Know

Whenever your crush posts a status update or a picture on social media, the likes start coming in. And the majority of them are from other girls. You often see the same names over and over again, but he has never mentioned those girls to you. You know they can't be strangers because if they were, she wouldn't have like 20 of his posts in the last two weeks. If your crush regularly has girls liking his selfies and pictures, it could be a warning sign. The main thing to look out for is one girl who likes everything that he posts. If you feel certain that something is going on between them, just ask him. If not, you might spend months cyber-stalking his social media profiles, trying to work out if he is interested in someone else. If he tells you that he is messaging a girl that he is interested in, it isn't bad news – it means you finally know the truth so that you can start to move on.

13 You Have Heard Rumors

When you first starting crushing on this guy, you mentioned him to your friends in a casual tone to find out what they knew about him. But you didn't like what you heard. Most people seem to think that he is talking to or dating another girl, but they don't know for sure. If the rumors are coming from people who barely know him, you should probably ignore them; after all, how would they know the intimate details of his life? However, if you hear the rumors from your crush's close friends you should probably listen. They know him well, and they wouldn't gossip about him, so there is no reason to think that they would be lying. It can be hard to hear that your crush is talking to someone else, but at least you found out sooner rather than later. You could have spent weeks chasing after him. Now you can enjoy being single without worrying about your ex-crush.

12 He Gives Another Girl A Lot Of Attention

You often see your crush talking to one girl in particular. It could be his co-worker or a mutual friend. Whenever you see them together, well, he barely notices you. Instead, he stands next to her, laughing, joking and having fun. This is one of the most obvious signs that your crush likes someone else. However, sometimes people refuse to accept this fact; instead, they tell themselves that their crush is avoiding them because they are shy, or maybe the girl is one of his close friends. The simple truth is this: if he likes you, he won't spend his time ignoring you to talk to other girls. Unless he has a direct reason to talk to her (maybe they are friends who haven't seen each other for weeks, or they are working on a project together), then it is likely that he is intentionally making the time to talk to her, and that's something that you just have to accept.

11 He Is Always Talking About Another Girl

You used to love spending time with your crush. You would laugh and have fun together, and the conversations were varied and interesting. However, every time you've hung out together recently, he brings up the same girl, over and over again. The first time it was relevant because you were both talking about coffee, and he mentioned that she is a waitress in his favorite coffee shop. After a while, though, you noticed that he brought her up whenever he possibly could. You don't like hearing about her, but you are hoping that they are just close friends. Sadly, it's super likely that he is interested in her because let's face it, no one brings up their best friend every five minutes. When someone is infatuated with someone else, they will be tempted to bring them up whenever they can, because they enjoy talking about their crush. Think about it; you probably also look for excuses to talk about your crush, so it is likely that he is doing the same thing.

10 He Seems Less Interested In You

When you used to hang out, your crush was always interested in your stories and jokes. He would make an effort to listen while you talked, and he would ask questions about your stories. These days, he just doesn't seem as interested. He often bails when you arrange plans, and he spends a lot of time on his phone when you are together. He doesn't respond properly to your stories anymore, either; he never offers you advice, and mostly he just says "yeah" and "mmm". This is a massive sign that he isn't as passionate about you as he once was. It may be difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when he became disinterested, but you are aware that he doesn't make as much of an effort with you as he used to. It could also be a sign that he likes another girl; if the interest is no longer coming your way, it is possible that it is now going somewhere else.

9 You Always Catch Him Checking Out The Same Girl

You always notice him checking out the same girl. It could be a mutual friend or it could be one of his co-workers that he regularly invites out with your group of friends. Of course, looking once or twice doesn't necessarily mean anything; lots of people like to look at someone who is attractive, but it doesn't mean that they want to date them. Everyone has thrown an innocent look at someone before! However, if he is constantly looking at the same girl, it might mean that he likes her. Check out your crush next time the three of you hang out together. Does he look at her, look away, and then try to slyly look at her again? Does he always try to sit next to her or near her? If so, your crush might like another girl, and that's just something that you have to learn to live with because the truth is, there's not much you can do about it. Okay, there's nothing you can do about it.

8 He Gets Touchy Feely With The Other Girl

Your crush doesn't just look at another girl. Nope. He also regularly gets physical with her. He might pick her up for a piggyback ride or try to arm wrestle with her. It could even be smaller gestures; you might have noticed that he puts his hand on her back as they walk through doors, or he might offer her his hand as she gets out of a car. These small signs are a clear indicator that your crush is interested in another girl. The touching is unnecessary, and he doesn't do it for other women which means he is looking for any excuse to touch his crush. If you're not sure if your crush likes another girl, watch his body language next time the three of you hang out. Does he turn his body towards her, and away from you? Is he always trying to make physical contact with her? If so, it's time to move on; your crush is definitely interested in someone else.

7 He Won't Make Eye Contact With You

Your crush often seems disinterested in you to the point that he rarely makes eye contact with you. You often get the feeling that he's totally avoiding meeting your gaze. When you tell him stories, he is often looking around the room, and at other people. Sometimes you want to shout at him, "I'm here! I exist! Acknowledge me!" If your crush barely makes eye contact with you, it is unlikely that he is attracted to you. Humans love to look into the eyes of people they like; it builds intimacy and it helps people to create bonds. If your crush isn't looking at you, it might be because they feel guilty. They could be aware of your feelings for them, and they might feel bad because they don't feel the same way. If you can relate to this, spend some time apart so that you can move on, and he can stop feeling guilty; it is the best option for both of you.

6 He Says No To You But Yes To Her About Plans

You wish you could see your crush more often, but he's often busy. You regularly invite him to your house, and you always invite him to group events, but more often than not, he makes up an excuse not to come. Maybe he's tired, maybe he has no money but the only thing you know for sure is that he normally says no to plans with you. However, he is always willing to go somewhere if the other girl is there, no matter how expensive or inconvenient it may be. You keep trying to tell yourself that it is just a coincidence – but it probably isn't. Think about it; when people are crushing on someone, they will do anything to spend time with them. If your crush can't travel for ten minutes to meet you, but they are happy to travel over two hours for another girl, then they probably don't have a crush on you.

5 He Is Always On His Phone

Whenever you spend time together, he just sits on his phone the entire time. You aren't sure what he is doing because he never shows you the screen or tells you what he is doing. You don't mind someone checking their phone while you are together, but every time you see your crush he is practically glued to his. You could probably deal with his obsessive phone checking, but it only happens when he's with you. He takes hours, sometimes even days, to text you back, and he never answers the phone when you ring. If you know your crush is just playing games or checking Facebook, you might not have anything to worry about; lots of people are slightly phone-obsessed in today's society! However, if you don't know what he is doing, and he doesn't tell you, it is very possible that he is interested in another girl, especially if he takes ages to message you back when you are not together.

4 He Makes An Effort With His Appearance

When you hang out with your crush, he is normally dressed casually in jeans or sweatpants. He rarely styles his hair or makes an effort with his appearance, which didn't used to bother you because hey, you were just happy that he felt relaxed around you. However, alarm bells started ringing when you went out with another girl and he made a big effort with his appearance. He wore nice, clean, smart clothes, and he took the time to style his hair. Throughout the night he continued to preen, he kept messing with his hair, smoothing his shirt, adjusting his collar and taking extra care not to spill on himself. If you can relate to this, your crush probably likes another girl. People naturally want to impress people that they are attracted to, but they are more comfortable and relaxed around their friends as they know that their friends accept them for who they are.

3 He Is Nervous Around Her

When you hang out with your crush, he is relaxed and friendly. Sometimes he is even pretty gross. maybe he will show you the inside of his mouth while he is chewing, or maybe he will burp and pass gas in front of you. Although this may seem like a good sign, it isn't. This behavior is common in long-term relationships, but it is extremely rare during the honeymoon phase. At the beginning of a relationship most people want to make a good impression, so they are more likely to seem nervous than relaxed. Watch your crush next time the other girl is around. Does he get flustered and nervous when they arrive? Does he stammer or make awkward comments? Does he laugh too loudly at her jokes, or wipe his hands on his shirt when he is talking to her? If so, he could be trying to impress her, rather than you.

2 Your Friends Don't Think He Likes You

You like your crush a lot, but your friends don't seem too impressed by him. They often put him down, and they have already told you that they think that you can do better. You're not sure exactly why they don't like him, but you sense their dislike when they talk about him. Although it may be tempting to brush off your friend's comments, it is likely that there is truth in their words. They may see something that you don't see because they have an unbiased outsider's perspective. They are more likely to be realistic about your crush's feelings, whereas you are more likely to try and justify or explain his shady behavior. If you are unsure about your crush, ask your friends for their advice... even if it is hard to hear. Sometimes the truth is difficult, but it can give you a much-needed new perspective on your crush.

1 Your Gut Tells You That He Likes Someone Else

In your heart of hearts, you have a suspicion that he likes someone else. You may not have an exact reason why, but your gut tells you that he isn't interested in you. Recently things have changed. You used to enjoy hanging out with your crush. When you left him, you felt happy, positive and upbeat. Now you often feel negative emotions when you leave him, such as confusion and unhappiness. You can't pinpoint exactly what has changed, but your instincts tell you that he has feelings for someone else. If you can relate to this, simply ask your crush. It may be difficult to hear the answer, but otherwise, you may never find out, and you could spend months chasing a guy who isn't interested in you. Instead, spend time with your friends and family. They will help you to realize that you deserve a guy who is crazy about you, too.

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About The Author

Amy Johnson (50 Articles Published)

Amy writes, edits and transcribes on a full time basis. She is also writes the newsletter and blog for dating website DateBritishGuys!

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How to Tell if He Likes Another Girl
